New Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff Formula in Einstein Real Gravity |
Author: Y. Leblanc (eFieldTheory.COM) Email: AbstractEinstein Real Gravity (RG) is Einstein General Relativity (GR) with an exponential parametrization of the metric tensor. The tensor potential field in the argument of the exponential is interpreted as the physical spin-2 gravitational field. This allows the linear separation of the spacetime curving real gravitational tensor force from the other non-tensor non spacetime curving inertial forces in the Christoffel symbols. The use of cartesian coordinates filters out these non-tensor forces and leads to a description of GR as the pure RG affine tensor theory. A modified expression for the hydrostatic Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff formula for stellar equilibrium is derived and applied to the ultra-relativistic spherical perfect fluid case. An exact analytical solution is found. Copyright © 2022 Yvan Leblanc. All rights reserved
PACS: 4.60.+n, 11.17.+y, 97.60.Lf Cite as: Leblanc, Y., "New Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff Formula in Einstein Real Gravity", Journal of Cosmology, Vol. 26, No. 24, pp 15250 - 15268 (2022). |