Separating Coordinates from Pure Gravity Effects in Einstein and Yilmaz General Relativity |
Author: Y. Leblanc (eFieldTheory.COM) Email: AbstractWe present an in-depth analysis of the theoretical structure of both Einstein and Yilmaz General Relativity. We address in particular the issues of pseudo-tensors in both theories by separating the mechanical (coordinates) from the pure gravitational (spacetime curving) forces, reproducing certain results from previous bi-metric theories, but with a single metric. Starting from the Yilmaz exponential parametrization of the metric, we make contact with the usual parametrization for the central symmetric and isotropic gravitational field. We discuss the field and geodesic equations in both theories as well as the all important energy-momentum conservation law which led to Einstein's radiation formula, accurately tested from the Hulse-Taylor experiment. Copyright © 2020 Yvan Leblanc. All rights reserved
PACS: 4.60.+n, 11.17.+y, 97.60.Lf Cite as: Leblanc, Y., "Separating Coordinates from Pure Gravity Effects in Einstein and Yilmaz General Relativity", manuscript no. eFTC-200601 (2020). http://www.efieldtheory.com/abs/?eFTC-200601; doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.14981.58082. |